Our Wellbeing

Our Wellbeing Vision Statement

At Woodlands Academy we recognise wellbeing as feeling able to reach one’s potential, cope with the stresses of everyday life and contribute to the community in a positive way.

Our aim is that emotional wellbeing and mental health and safety is considered by our whole school community and that we work through the challenges and celebrate the positives together.

A school that is nurturing with the provision, strategies and support in place so that everybody will feel accepted, valued, and empowered to understand their own wellbeing and be proactive in supporting it.

View\Download our Wellbeing Strategy Mental-Health-and-wellbeing-strategy <HERE>

View\Download our Nurture <HERE>

Woodlands Academy
Woodlands Drive
North Yorkshire
YO12 6QN

Email: woodlands@horizonstrust.org.uk
Tel: 01723 373260


Horizons Specialist Academy Trust is a company limited by guarantee (Company No 08608287) and exempt charity registered in England and Wales.

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