Parents and Carers

Admission to the Woodlands Academy


Only pupils with a statement of special needs may be admitted to the academy.

For a place to be offered we must be satisfied that:-

  • The academy is suitable for the child’s age, ability and aptitude and the special educational needs set out in part 2 of the statement
  • The admission would not be incompatible with the efficient education of other children in the academy


An informal visit to the academy for parents can usually be arranged quickly, by parents contacting us direct.   This is for parents to find out more about us.   If, following this visit, parents should wish to pursue a placement for their child, they should either speak to the Headteacher of their child’s current school, or contact the SEN Officer for their Local Education Authority (LEA).

If their LEA feels that a placement is appropriate, they will consult with the academy.  

If all parties agree that placement could be appropriate, a half-day visit for a pupil may be arranged.   This is for us to begin to assess whether or not we can meet a child’s needs.   

After that visit, we would either arrange a slightly longer visit, or we may be in a position to discuss the offer of a place with the LEA.   Such a consultation would include the completion of pre-admission paperwork by parents, the LEA and previous schools.   In all cases both the academy and the child’s LEA must be in agreement that a placement is appropriate before a place is offered.

If a place is offered, pupils will normally be admitted to the acaedmy at the start of a half-term.

Consent Forms

Woodlands Academy
Woodlands Drive
North Yorkshire
YO12 6QN

Tel: 01723 373260


Horizons Specialist Academy Trust is a company limited by guarantee (Company No 08608287) and exempt charity registered in England and Wales.

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